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Radio Show :
Sunday 19:00 - 20:00 German Time
Rockabilly - Rock N Roll - DooWop -
50s - Neorockabilly
Dj Steiger from Germany
Wir trauern um unseren Freund Gerd Schwitalski
Wir gedenken dir und danken dir für dein Engagement!
Radio Show :
Thursday 20:00 - 22:00 German Time *CANCELLED*
Rockabilly - Rock N Roll - DooWop -
50s - Neorockabilly
Dj Gerd from Germany
Radio show:
Monday 20.00-21.00 Greek 19.00-20.00 German Time
25 years "Rock' n' Roll is here to stay".
Tribute, New Releases, Interviews.
Rock' n' Roll and Rockabilly from
50s up to day .
Dj Costas from Greece